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Kyle’s Personal Rating System

Taste is obviously subjective: however, there are indubitably better whiskey’s than others. And the more sensitive the palate, the better one may be to distinguish those differences. I don’t believe I have the keenest sense of smell or taste, but I have sampled my fair share of alcohol and have enjoyed most of those experiences. With my personal judgements, I decided to share what my thoughts were on the 1-10 rating system (although I started on my ideas and rating systems prior to, I did get some 1-10 ideas from Credit where credit’s due). Do I obviously have my own biases when it comes to whiskey? Of course. But do I also have amazing tastes? Also yes. Do my ratings also vary depending on how many whiskeys I’ve had prior?? Most indeed (although I will attempt to manage commonality between all tastings for absolute fairness). Up front on my preferences: I personally tend to enjoy my whiskeys iceless, higher proof, flavorful and complex. Some people don’t. To those other folks, here is my personal rating criteria:

  1. Not sure how this ended up in my house. Barely worth the drain.
  2. How did I end up buying this? Maybe give as consolation prize, or stocking stuffer.
  3. Boring, light, tasteless. It may stay in the back of my shelf for a few years and forgotten about.
  4. Could be decent for light whiskey mixers. Wouldn’t pay over $20-$30 for it.
  5. Average. Still enjoy sipping it, and definitely while inebriated, or mixed in a decent cocktail.
  6. Really good. My favorite for boozy cocktails, and my go-to daily sipper. Would expect to spend ~$40-$50.
  7. Damn good. Hit’s all notes on the tongue and is my go-to first sipper of the night.
  8. Most excellent. Guest would love it, and is my go-to for impressing new friends.
  9. Superb. Sacrilegious to use in cocktails. Go-to for impressing father-in-law.
  10. Orally orgasmic. Rare indeed and worth savoring every single drop.

You may wonder why I haven’t rated many whiskeys below 3 to 4. It’s not that I have underlying love for all whiskey, it’s just that I simply don’t purchase them. I do try to be fair for all tastings regardless of price. I can’t let price, especially secondary prices or rarity, influence my expectations or judgment on the smooth, brown deliciousness. I can tell you, however, that it’s damn hard. But I’m here for fun and to shed light into the world of whiskey drinkers. So, if I get stuff wrong, or rate something you don’t agree with, maybe one day we can debate it over a nice tall glass of whiskey.

Palate and Aroma Wheels

Below are great resources on both aroma and palate wheels, along with a color sheet.

Aroma Wheel
Palate Wheel
Whiskey Colors